Friday 30 January 2009

Application of Design

Beginning my post with a couple of inspirational images

1) Da Dandy - Really like the use of collage in this work - possibly a technique i can incorporate into my design development and research work for future projects?

2) This image is taken from the work of the designer 'Ashish' - animal heads on human bodies - love it!


I've received my work back for the application of design work and I got 64%. It was my first project so im really happy with the mark. Ive tried to upload some images of the work but for some reason it wont let me?! Im going to keep trying by i presume its due to the computer's memory, i will keep trying and get some images of my work and inspirations up soon.

Also received my mark back for the Enterprise & Innovation presentation. Me and Leah made a lovely and tasty clothing boutique called 'Doughnut'. We both received a 2:1 - yuss!

"Doughnut is a Leeds based shop which sells second hand and customised clothing with strong interests in street style. We offer local designers selling space for their own designs and a personal styling facility. The shop is split into two with one side focused on the clothing and one side, the café – a 1950’s inspired and themed café, offering tasty treats and hot and cold drinks with a relaxed and comfortable seating area. We also have an internet site focused on the food aspect of the business, offering large doughnuts, cookies, boxes of retro sweets as personalised gifts with weekly deliveries. There is also an Ebay shop for the second hand and customised clothing." - I would love to own this shop - possibly another career aspiration??? Its defintely something to think about. I really enjoyed the enterprise work, it gave a great insight into beginning a business.

x x

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