Friday 29 May 2009

Some of my work so far / London

The days would generally consist of post first thing then packing up clothes, shoes and accessories to return to pr companies across the London area. Over the bank holiday I was given the opportunity to attend a photo shoot - the shoot gave me some good experience and it was really interesting to see how everything happened behind the scenes and all came together. I supported the stylist and the fashion assistant; delivering stock to the shoot with the fashion assistant Louise, packing and unpacking the cases, steaming and ironing some of the clothes and was asked by the stylist to customize some accessories with black spray paint, which was really good - hopefully they'll be in the one of the pictures in the July edition! :)

So back to college...i've finally being able to upload some of my past work...

Photography Elective work - used this as my cover letter background on some applications:

Some of my design pages and trend book work:

I would like to use these images on my PPD presentation - I feel that they show the development i have made throughout the year. Overall I am happy with my progress so far and keen to begin Level 3 with improvements on my organisation, time keeping and creativity. The placement in London gave me a good insight into magazine work and encouraged me to improve myself for graduation and to begin my career next year with confidence.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


Hi there!

I'm currently reading and getting so many influences from the book; 'Illustration Play' - here is some of the work from an artist Megan Whitmarsh. Each artist's work is so inventive and makes you want to quickly tear, glue and sew everything together!!

Inspirational images from Raoul Hausmann - use of collage / colour
Been very busy with college work, job hunting, work experience hunting, working, life etc!

With regards to a work placement I have been offered a work placement with a magazine which i LOVE :)
Im soooo excited for the placement to begin and to try put my skills into practice, development and gain experience and insight into the work processes for a magazine. I went for my interview with the magazine in London in February time, it went really well and the placement seems asthough it will be really useful for my personal development. I was advised although it would be very hard work it would also be fun and hopefully something will come out of it in the future; whether it be contacts or just the experience. Apparently if im willing to put the hours in then i might have the chance to go on a studio shoot, which would be fantastic. The interns usually stay with the company a minimum of three months so i think she was alittle confused when i said i only had three weeks available! She said the minimum she could offer would be one month, otherwise neither of us would gain anything from it so after speaking to college to see if the extra week would be ok...I was able to say Yes! :) Id have loved to say i could do more but I need to be back at college and plus, im on a budget!!

So i start 20th April for four weeks, so now were just trying to find somewhere to stay! Ive put an advertisement on Gumtree and had some....strange....calls. I was really keen to stay with some other girls from college and after lots of swapping and changing, theres finally five 'definites' staying together. Its been rather hard trying to find somewhere suitable with the best place for all of us to travel to placements and within budgets. Thankfully weve all agreed a budget which is realistic for all of us, but not very realistic for alot of landlords in London!


Ive been ill for the past two weeks with a chest infection/tonsilitus, it had to happen when I was just given two more projects at college! But im trying my hardest to keep up, ive made my toile for the first project but still need to neaten my designs, technical package and shop report...oh!...and actually make the dress! :) Ive just got the money to get the material and buttons today (just need some material for the collar and a zip now!).

For the research practices project we have to combine work from critical studies so ive changed my idea a few times before deciding my final subject. I have some ideas which i really want to incorporate into my designs. I need to print and continue to keep noting down my research and begin the design sheets. Although I don't seem to find development sheets the 'norm' I am trying to push myself and understand how i need to improve. Once I have completed the research and design development work i will begin making my toile and end with the line up of my final 6 outfits. I hope to continue my work whilst on my placement in London. Although this may not be feasible, i am going to take my equipment and try.

Critical studies: my presentation has been changed to next week because of my tonsilitus, so im just putting it together and then i can go and put it onto powerpoint on mon. Im working tomorrow (thurs) then doing my grading afterwards, Fri in college all day, Sat working all day and sun college is closed) so mondays the earliest i can do it. I dont really like leaving it until the day before :S but in dont know where times going!! I seem to be so busy every single day.

PPD: Put together my research, collate the emails and other correspondence, CV, postcard and cover letter, portfolio work and finally complete the presentation and CV cover.

Enterprise and Innovation: Business Plan. I really want to put so much effort into the business plan but do feel asthough I am putting my effort into the other work as there is such a high volume. I would like to put more attention and effort into this work.

x x

Friday 30 January 2009

Application of Design

Beginning my post with a couple of inspirational images

1) Da Dandy - Really like the use of collage in this work - possibly a technique i can incorporate into my design development and research work for future projects?

2) This image is taken from the work of the designer 'Ashish' - animal heads on human bodies - love it!


I've received my work back for the application of design work and I got 64%. It was my first project so im really happy with the mark. Ive tried to upload some images of the work but for some reason it wont let me?! Im going to keep trying by i presume its due to the computer's memory, i will keep trying and get some images of my work and inspirations up soon.

Also received my mark back for the Enterprise & Innovation presentation. Me and Leah made a lovely and tasty clothing boutique called 'Doughnut'. We both received a 2:1 - yuss!

"Doughnut is a Leeds based shop which sells second hand and customised clothing with strong interests in street style. We offer local designers selling space for their own designs and a personal styling facility. The shop is split into two with one side focused on the clothing and one side, the café – a 1950’s inspired and themed café, offering tasty treats and hot and cold drinks with a relaxed and comfortable seating area. We also have an internet site focused on the food aspect of the business, offering large doughnuts, cookies, boxes of retro sweets as personalised gifts with weekly deliveries. There is also an Ebay shop for the second hand and customised clothing." - I would love to own this shop - possibly another career aspiration??? Its defintely something to think about. I really enjoyed the enterprise work, it gave a great insight into beginning a business.

x x