Friday 29 May 2009

Some of my work so far / London

The days would generally consist of post first thing then packing up clothes, shoes and accessories to return to pr companies across the London area. Over the bank holiday I was given the opportunity to attend a photo shoot - the shoot gave me some good experience and it was really interesting to see how everything happened behind the scenes and all came together. I supported the stylist and the fashion assistant; delivering stock to the shoot with the fashion assistant Louise, packing and unpacking the cases, steaming and ironing some of the clothes and was asked by the stylist to customize some accessories with black spray paint, which was really good - hopefully they'll be in the one of the pictures in the July edition! :)

So back to college...i've finally being able to upload some of my past work...

Photography Elective work - used this as my cover letter background on some applications:

Some of my design pages and trend book work:

I would like to use these images on my PPD presentation - I feel that they show the development i have made throughout the year. Overall I am happy with my progress so far and keen to begin Level 3 with improvements on my organisation, time keeping and creativity. The placement in London gave me a good insight into magazine work and encouraged me to improve myself for graduation and to begin my career next year with confidence.

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