Tuesday 4 November 2008


I've had an email with regards to a work placement and they can offer a three week placement to me! Im going for my interview in London next week which is very exciting!! The placement is with a fashion photographer so im really pleased. I'm keen to work on the interests that developed on my photography elective. They have asked that i research into Capture 1 so i have spoken to IT at college and also the photography tutors for advice. Im going to research into the software further over the internet.

I also received an email back from a make up artist which i emailed a few weeks ago. She gave me some really useful advice so i really appreciate that. I definitely want to work on my portfolio so i can take it with me, im going to try ensure my images are selected and put together with a good layout, etc.

Speak soon
Charlie Chalk xx

Saturday 1 November 2008

photo photo photo

Hello Hello Hello!!

Sorry its been sooooo long - i have NOT stopped or sat down now for over a week (slight exaggeration, only slight though!!)

I'm having a few problems at home as our housemate has left us in abit of trouble with debts. etc so alittle stress at current.

But back to college...I've been working away on the Application of Design project and I have also had my Digital Photography elective this week. Although things at home being the way they are I feel rather happy with my progress and work on the elective, i'm sure i could have worked better in a different situation but but but...

Cat modelled for me on my elective work which was a HUGE help (top hat, mannequins dressed as squirrels and bright pink lippy added) and i also arranged for my housemates to come in on the final day and model. I found it rather hard to find inspiration in a rush so decided to purchase lots of random goodies; balloons, face paints, face masks, party poppers to add some colours and try 'go with the flow', which ended up with a circus / random theme!! I visited Borders to look through some photography books which gave me some inspiration.

On the day i had organised for my housemates to help there was a lighting problem in the studio. I'm happy with the pictures I managed to get but didnt get as many shots as i would have liked - my model had to leave (after waiting a good while for the lighting problem to be fixed), but from the pictures i did take hopefully with a touch of photoshop they should be good :)

With regards to my work placement Ive been offered a two week placement with Sugarscape in London, but they were only able to offer a placement for September 2009. Apart from that Ive chased two other applications, i'm hoping to look into work experience placements next week.

Charlie xxxx

Friday 17 October 2008

Progress, small, but progress

Hello again!

I've spent the past week researching into work placements and collating contacts. So far I have called several magazine companies to find out the best and most appropriate contacts and sent my applications across via email or letter. I feel confident over the phone and made sure even if the name was stated clearly on the website that i still called to introduce myself and tell them i was sending my CV and cover letter across. I have also contacted several companies over the internet to try gain contact details.

I'm very happy with my organisation and have kept emails together with notes were possible.

I've received an email back from a photographer in London and was very kindly given a further contact who deals with fashion photography. I was also told to drop their name, so hopefully this will lead to a suitable placement.!

I'm going to spend some time after college Monday contacting the other companies to follow my applications up. So we'll see what happens!

I'm in the process of putting together some work for my portfolio so i will scan these in soon - i'm trying to put together a mixture of design and research work and possibly work from my Film degree - i want it all to express my interests, what type of designs i have etc.
As im keen to gain a placement for a magazine or pr company, im keen to possibly add some written work, poems or scripts...

Back soon!
Chalk x

Friday 3 October 2008

First thing's first

Hello there!

Right, so this is my blog! Welcome! Do you like the black background? I like the black background.

So I've begun the BA Hons Fashion & Clothing degree, polite smiles and the nervousness out of the way, kind of.

I've been given many, many papers and have literally just organised everything into lovely shiny folders, ready to begin!

Although I've work to do for the other modules, the continuing work at the moment is securing my work placement.

My career aspirations are for:
•A fast moving and busy position - I love a challenge
•Possibly a Head Office role - Administrative and creative position
•A company which I am passionate about, believe in and have good values
•Good opportunities for progression, appreciate and support for their employees and recognition of contributions to the business
•Involves Problem solving
•A position which requires me to manage my time effectively and set priorities and deadlines

I'd love to look into a work placement for a magazine to understand the role of a Fashion Producer, Casting Director, or possibly a PR company. I'm confident in my abilities which suit my aspirations above and feel they would suit the skills required for magazine or PR work.

Although I would surely enjoy a design placement, my abilities and confidence in pattern making and construction is lacking - I am unsure at this moment as to whether i could offer the skills required when competing with other fashion experienced students.

The search begins!!
I'm currently working at Topshop over the summer with two of the BA Fashion third year's and advised to "start searching now!". So over the summer I've worked on my CV, improving it asmuch as possible, bringing it up to date and I have also typed up my cover letter in preparation. Also, just by chance, whilst at work I served a recent BA Fashion graduate (Nicola) from Lancashire. She was EXTREMELY helpful and gave me her email so she was able to recommend contacts in the London area. At the moment she has recommended www.netaporter.com and links from the London Fashion College, so I'm just about to begin work on my image to add to my CV. I've just emailed Nicola (the graduate) back to ask for individual contacts as she worked on a paid placement year in London (still to find out who for) so hopefully she will be able to help.

Whilst at work I have tried to catch the area manager on numerous occasions to speak to him re: a placement with Arcadia or any advice he may have to offer. I finally caught up to him yesterday and explained that I was looking for a placement and extremely interested in finding out who the best contact was, to send my CV, etc. He seemed really helpful, although told me to go back to speak to him tomorrow to remind him! Apparently he didn't think Topshop were currently offering an placements but he would definitely have a word with his contact. So tomorrow, at 3 oclock on the dot I'll be waiting outside his office! Crossed fingers he'll be there! And *touch wood* he will be able to help....

I've also began a list of contacts for several magazines, finding that the main head office locations are, yes, London. I'm really interested to gain a placement outside of Leeds so my money saving has begun!! I'm researching into companies which i feel would suit my needs and me suit theirs and hae begun sending out my applications.

My action plan at present is to continue compiling contacts, researching companies, improving my CV and building my portfolio

Right folks, I start work in 32 minutes so i'm going to say "Ta-Ra for now". Back soon!