Friday 17 October 2008

Progress, small, but progress

Hello again!

I've spent the past week researching into work placements and collating contacts. So far I have called several magazine companies to find out the best and most appropriate contacts and sent my applications across via email or letter. I feel confident over the phone and made sure even if the name was stated clearly on the website that i still called to introduce myself and tell them i was sending my CV and cover letter across. I have also contacted several companies over the internet to try gain contact details.

I'm very happy with my organisation and have kept emails together with notes were possible.

I've received an email back from a photographer in London and was very kindly given a further contact who deals with fashion photography. I was also told to drop their name, so hopefully this will lead to a suitable placement.!

I'm going to spend some time after college Monday contacting the other companies to follow my applications up. So we'll see what happens!

I'm in the process of putting together some work for my portfolio so i will scan these in soon - i'm trying to put together a mixture of design and research work and possibly work from my Film degree - i want it all to express my interests, what type of designs i have etc.
As im keen to gain a placement for a magazine or pr company, im keen to possibly add some written work, poems or scripts...

Back soon!
Chalk x

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